Brussels Interest Group on Sparsity
The Brussels Interest Group on Sparsity (BIGS) is promoting informal discussions and open exchanges among students and researchers that are using sparse representations and sparse methods in their daily work. Topics comprise for example: system modeling, sparse data acquisition, numerical reconstruction methods, and big data analysis. Members interact for solving practical problems, reviewing implementation details, or exploring the compressed sensing framework.
Compressed sensing signal recovery from quasi-random samples
[HTML demo] and [MATLAB code]
August 27-29, 2014 – Do not miss the [iTWIST'14, international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology], in Namur, Belgium.
April 8, 2014 – Do not miss the [public lecture on mathematical art work by Jos Leys] at the Eleventh International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, from 20:00 to 21:00 at the Maria Theresia College, in Leuven, Belgium.
Colas Schretter – group coordinator
iMinds and ETRO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Compressive sensing for 3D/4D ultrasound imaging.
Contact: cschrett [at] vub.ac.be, +32-2-629-1611
Maria Kashlyaeva – group secretary
ESA, Brussels
Contact: bigs [at] ulb.ac.be
Ignace Loris
Département de Mathématique, Université libre de Bruxelles
Solution of inverse problems in scattering and imaging.
Contact: igloris [at] ulb.ac.be, +32-2-650-5854
Matthias Jacot
Optics design for optimal acquisition in interferometry.
Contact: mjacot [at] lambda-x.com
Jonathan Bodart
OPERA, Université libre de Bruxelles
Spectrum sensing based on compressed signal measurements.
Contact: jbodart [at] ulb.ac.be, +32-2-650-2857
Jonathan Verlant-Chenet
OPERA, Université libre de Bruxelles
Spectrum sensing based on compressed signal measurements.
Contact: jverlant [at] ulb.ac.be, +32-2-650-3087
Jean-François Determe
OPERA, Université libre de Bruxelles
Optical fiber communications based on coherent detection.
Contact: jdeterme [at] ulb.ac.be, +32-2-650-2857
Senlin Yang
Visiting researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sdaptive block compressed sensing for multispectral image fusion.
Contact: senlin.yang [at] vub.ac.be
Shaun Bundervoet
IWT, ETRO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Compressive sensing for 3D/4D ultrasound imaging.
Contact: sbunderv [at] etro.vub.ac.be, +32-2-629-1670
David Blinder
ETRO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Compression of digital holograms for next-generation displays.
Contact: dblinder [at] etro.vub.ac.be, +32-2-629-1676
Mathias Becquaert
Royal Military School, Brussels
Compressive sensing for wide-beam through-the-wall imaging.
Contact: mathias.becquaert [at] rma.ac.be, +32-2-742-6563
Edison Cristofani
Royal Military School, Brussels
Non-destructive testing based on terahertz (THz) waves.
Contact: edison.cristofani [at] rma.ac.be, +32-2-742-6661
To join us; just drop a line to the group coordinator Colas Schretter: cschrett [at] vub.ac.be. You can [Subscribe to the BIGS mailing list] where meetings and events are announced. We encourage direct oral discussions among members of the group instead of lengthy email exchanges on the list.
Colas Schretter, Ignace Loris, Ann Dooms, Peter Schelkens,
Total variation reconstruction from quasi-random samples,
iTWIST'14, international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology, Namur, Belgium, August 27-29 2014.
Shaun Bundervoet, Colas Schretter, Ann Dooms, Peter Schelkens,
Bayesian estimation of sparse smooth speckle shape models for motion tracking in medical ultrasound,
iTWIST'14, international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology, Namur, Belgium, August 27-29 2014.
Senlin Yang, Guobin Wan, Yuanyuan Li, Xiaoxia Zhao, Xin Chong,
Research on compressive fusion for remote sensing images,
Proc. SPIE 9142, Selected Papers from Conferences of the Photoelectronic Technology , February 2014.
Colas Schretter, Harald Niederreiter,
A direct inversion method for non-uniform quasi-random point sequences,
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2013.
Ignace Loris, Caroline Verhoeven,
An iterative algorithm for sparse and constrained recovery with applications to divergence-free current reconstructions in magneto-encephalography,
Computational Optimization and Applications, vol. 54, nr. 2, pp. 399-416, 2013.
Anna Brook, Edison Cristofani, Mathias Becquaert, Ben Lauwens, Joachim Jonuscheit, Marijke Vandewal,
Applicability of compressive sensing on three-dimensional terahertz imagery for in-depth object defect detection and recognition using a dedicated semisupervised image processing methodology,
Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 22, nr. 2, pp. 021004, 2013.
Edison Cristofani, Mathias Becquaert, Marijke Vandewal,
Performance of 2D compressive sensing on wide-beam through-the-wall imaging,
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2013(636972), 2013.
Ignace Loris,
Numerical algorithms for non-smooth optimization applicable to seismic recovery,
Handbook of Geomathematics, 2013.
Vahid Nassiri, Ignace Loris,
A generalized quantile regression model,
Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 1090–1105, 2013.
Jonathan Verlant-Chenet, Jonathan Bodart, André Bourdoux, Jean-Michel Dricot, Philippe De Doncker, Lutz Lampe, François Horlin,
Multiband maximum likelihood signal detection based on compressive measurements,
IEEE Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie en Communicatietheorie Symposium,, Leuven, May 2013.
Ignace Loris, Caroline Verhoeven
Iterative algorithms for total variation-like reconstructions in seismic tomography,
International Journal on Geomathematics, vol. 3, nr. 2, pp. 179-208, 2012.
Jonathan Bodart, Jonathan Verlant-Chenet, André Bourdoux, Philippe De Doncker, Jean-Michel Dricot, François Horlin,
Distributed Compressed Sampling Architecture for Maximum Likelihood Signal Detection,
GLOBECOM 2012, 1466-1470, 2012.